laser threshold-conditon


laser threshold-conditon 雷射臨界狀態


n. 激光


n. 門檻

conditon :


laser modes 雷射模態
laser oscillation 雷射振盪
laser population inversion 雷射粒子轉反轉
laser radar 雷射雷達
laser's parasitic-limited bandwidth 雷射寄生電容限量頻寬
laser threshold gain 雷射臨界增益
laser threshold-conditon 雷射臨界狀態
laser, carrier confinement of semicoductor 半導體雷射截子束縛
laser, characteristics of semiconductor 半導體雷射特性
laser, Continuous Wave (CW) operation of semiconductor 半導體雷射連續波操作

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